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Monimuotoista metsää. Kuva Riku Lumiaro.

IBC-Carbon Project  -  www.ibccarbon.fi

The IBC-Carbon-project has now ended. Warm thanks to all our collaborators. 

The Integrated Biodiversity Conservation and Carbon Sequestration in the Changing Environment (IBC-Carbon) project will provide decision-supporting tools on how to optimally manage these valuable forests in a changing climate and how to secure their connectivity. Read more on Introduction page.

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luminen rinne

Warming both beneficial and detrimental to forest ecosystem services

The rapid warming predicted for the northern boreal zone as well as intensive management practices may endanger the supply of the benefits produced by forests, i.e. ecosystem services. Recent IBC-Carbon projects estimate the changes in ecosystem services relating to the carbon cycle in the boreal and temperate zone forests using different modelling methods.

The government must take urgent action for biodiversity and ecosystem services

In order to safeguard forest biodiversity, it is crucial to increase funding for the METSO programme. This and the other recent recommendations provide decision-makers with concise information on the most important means to preserve forest biodiversity and ecosystem services in Finland. The recommendations are based on a workshop organised in April 2018 by Nature Panel (the Finnish national IPBES panel) and the IBC-Carbon project funded by the Strategic Research Council.
Atte Moilainen

A significant international award to Research Director Atte Moilanen for the promotion of nature conservation

Atte Moilanen, who leads one of the work packages of the IBC-Carbon project, has been granted a highly valued recognition for his contributions to conservation biology, the Distinguished Service Award by the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB).

Person in charge

Martin Forsius


Martin Forsius

 Leader of  IBC-Carbon Consortium





Minna Pekkonen


Minna Pekkonen

Leader of Interaction





Torsti Schulz


Torsti Schulz

 Coordinator of IBC-Carbon


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