Kaukokartoitustyöpaja: Novel Earth Observation techniques for Biodiversity Monitoring and Research

Uutinen 25.4.2018 klo 12.25
Talvinen metsä
© Timo Kumpula

IBC-CARBON-hanke kutsuu sinut englanninkieliseen kaukokartoitusta käsittelevään työpajaan: "Novel Earth Observation techniques for Biodiversity Monitoring and Research"

AIKA: Torstai 24.5.2018 klo 8.30 - 17.00 / Thursday 24 May 2018,  8.30 am -17.00 pm
PAIKKA: SYKEn auditorio, Mechelininkatu 34a, Helsinki / Auditorium at SYKE, Mechelininkatu 34a, Helsinki

Satellite remote sensing, together with airborne/drone LiDAR and hyperspectral techniques are expected to become game-changers in environmental monitoring. Welcome to listen to the state-of-the-art presentations of new possibilities for those techniques, to share your experiences and deepen your expertise in the workshop.

Tervetuloa / Welcome!

Lisätietoa / More information:

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